Sunday, 5 April 2015

The Black Dog fettered

 The progress of the Black Dog of Newgate. Two chains have been constructed and I still need to decide if the piece needs a third top chain of an even greater length. In the mean time I will clean and burnish the chains with patiana acid to sear the metal black.

Straight razor MkIII

 An idea I had many a year ago about making a functional stained glass sculpture is now in its third iteration. The piece themed to accompany a sweeny todd window is a straight (cut throat) razor. moving parts are the larges problem but being to thick to quit is yielding results finally.

 The piece is only a rough prototype and i plan to subject it to some punishing tests so i thought it warranted documenting before distruction. Later models with hopefully gain more delicacy, this is definitely still in a flint axes level of evolution.

 I cant seem to capture the beautiful internal pattern of the green glass on camera but its amazing. Its a nearly exstinted batch of glass, i think i might have to get some more.