Friday, 31 October 2014

Wilt Wither Wimple (3D rose section)

 A small 3D glass tudor rose which will be part of the tiny Wither,Wither,wimple piece. The scale of the piece is making it extremely difficult in every aspect from cutting to cleaning.
That was supposedly the easy part.... now on to the celtic knot type thorns.

 The petals tack soldered into position.

 Petals tacked into place,

The finished tin soldered rose, needing a bit of finishing but as a first copper foil piece im happy with this first stage.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Copper foil tests

I have started very basic inquiries into copper foil work in stained glass. Copper foil is a process in which glass can be made 3D.

Very poor results so far but its very early days and I have big plans for this process.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Great Pit of Aldgate (final stages)

 After extensive tests with oils, varnishes and other potions the slates are finished and sealed.  The piece is cleaned and black iron polish is added to the lead.
 The window is mounted into a light box I made earlier and an internal structure is added to protect the window.

The box just needs a bit of a fiddle and then the window is ready. My first completed large scale window.