Sunday, 18 May 2014

Finished Noose

 Just need to add some links for display and then its 100% done but that wont change the appearance so here it is.
Hopefully better than the old version.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Tyburn Tree Test (Finishing up)

 Leading up the remainder of the rope.

 The piece ready for soldering.

All Soldered and Cemented up. The cement takes two days to dry and then I clean the noose and add eyes/hooks for display. Not bad for a days work. when its all cleaned I can compare it to the sub Parr one I did in uni. 

Id like to make a series of these and build a mini gallows. I'd need 24 to make a true Tyburn tree and i dont think i could manage that at the moment. I'll keep that idea in my pocket.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Tyburn Tree Test (leading)

That's the tricky bit done (touch wood). I tried to keep as many single fluid lines as possible. The success or failure of the experiment wont be clear until the piece is fully leaded and finished. I like it so far. So much better already than the plastic mounted version I did before.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Tyburn Tree Test (cutting)

We have the technology we can rebuild it! A failed piece that can now be made as I have a vague clue in glass construction. With this test piece I hope to find if irregular patterns with gaps in them will hold their shape when complete. Maybe I wont even cement it and see how flexible I can make it (blasphemy!).